Create Flutter audio player in the background

1. Introduction

There are several packages (e.g. assets_audio_player, audioplayers, just_audio) can handle audio play in Flutter, but if you want to play the audio in background, you need to do more. And I will show you how to do it in this article!

2. Preparation

We need to use the audio_service to handle the background task. audio_service does all the work to interface with Android, iOS, and other platforms so that you don’t need to worry about platform-related details, and  Audio Service isn’t an audio player; it’s just an interface to the system audio controls, so you still need another audio play packages for handle the player functions.

For this article, I will use just_audio to handle the audio service, you also can use other packages to do that. So we need to add the below in pubspec.yaml file:

Do you want to be a good trading in cTrader?   >> TRY IT! <<
    just_audio: ^0.9.36
    audio_service: ^0.18.12

The base flow should be

Flutter UI   -->   Audio Service   -->   Audio Handler

so we need to create an audio service and handler!

3. Create the Audio Handler

We can create the audio handler with just_audio first. The handler extends BaseAudioHandler and with QueueHandler

class JustAudioPlayerHandler extends BaseAudioHandler with QueueHandler {

    // create the just audio object and source for play list
    final _player = AudioPlayer();
    final _playlist = ConcatenatingAudioSource(children: []);

    //TODO other logics

We need to broadcast all playback state changes as they happen via playbackState within audio_service, so we can use _play.playbackEventStream to map the transform events and pipe to playbackState:

Transform a just_audio event into an audio_service state, this method should used from the constructor. Every event received from the just_audio player will be transformed into an audio_service state so that it can be broadcast to audio_service clients.

PlaybackState _transformEvent(PlaybackEvent event) {
    return PlaybackState(
      // setup and allow which control item in the control panel in the phone's lock screen
      controls: [
        if (_player.playing) MediaControl.pause else,
      // setup the action can be used, it will show the buttons in the phone's lock screen
      systemActions: const {,
      // for android lock screen control buttons
      androidCompactActionIndices: const [0, 1, 3],
      // map the audio service processing state to just audio
      processingState: const {
        ProcessingState.idle: AudioProcessingState.idle,
        ProcessingState.loading: AudioProcessingState.loading,
        ProcessingState.buffering: AudioProcessingState.buffering,
        ProcessingState.ready: AudioProcessingState.ready,
        ProcessingState.completed: AudioProcessingState.completed,
      playing: _player.playing, // is playing status
      updatePosition: _player.position,  // the current playing position
      bufferedPosition: _player.bufferedPosition,  // the buffered position
      speed: _player.speed,    // player speed
      queueIndex: event.currentIndex, // the index of the current queue

and We also need to load an empty playlist the first time to load

Future<void> _loadEmptyPlaylist() async {
  try {
    await _player.setAudioSource(_playlist);
  } catch (e) {

and put these two init methods into the constructor

JustAudioPlayerHandler() {;


implement the base methods from the audio service

Future<void> play() =>;

Future<void> pause() => _player.pause();

Future<void> seek(Duration position) =>;

Future<void> stop() async {
  await _player.stop();
  await playbackState.firstWhere(
      (state) => state.processingState == AudioProcessingState.idle);

Future<void> addQueueItems(List<MediaItem> mediaItems) async {
  final audioSource =;
  final newQueue = queue.value..addAll(mediaItems);

// add the audio item into playlist and queue before playing it
Future<void> addQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
  final audioSource = _createAudioSource(mediaItem);
  final newQueue = queue.value..add(mediaItem);

Future<void> removeQueueItemAt(int index) async {
  final newQueue = queue.value..removeAt(index);

Future<dynamic> customAction(String name,
    [Map<String, dynamic>? extras]) async {
  // set the custom action like adjusting the volume from the UI
  if (name == 'setVolume') {

// create the just audio source from audio file
// we pass the audio file via from UI
UriAudioSource _createAudioSource(MediaItem mediaItem) {
    print('add media item=========${}');
    return AudioSource.uri(
      tag: mediaItem,

the base audio handler should be done, but you can also create some custom methods based on your requirements, for example, I want to get the audio’s total duration, then create the below method

Duration? getTotalDuration() => _player.duration;

and set the speed below

Future<void> setPlaySpeed(double speed) async {
    await _player.setSpeed(speed);

resume item

Future<Duration?> resumeMediaItem(
    MediaItem item, Duration currentDuration) async {
  var index = _getIndex(item);
  await, index: index);
  mediaItem.add(item.copyWith(duration: _player.duration));
  return _player.duration;

// get the media item index in the playlist for seeking
// so that we can resume it
int _getIndex(MediaItem item) {
  int targetIndex = -1;
  final audioSource = _createAudioSource(item);
  for (int i = 0; i < _playlist.length; i++) {
    final currentItem = _playlist.children[i] as UriAudioSource;
    // print('current item');
    if (currentItem.uri.path == audioSource.uri.path) {
      //print('{audioSource.uri.path} index:i');
      targetIndex = i;
  // print('get index:$targetIndex');
  return targetIndex;

check the item whether already exists in the playlist, this can avoid adding the duplicate item to the list

Future<bool> hasMediaItem(MediaItem item) async {
  var index = -1;
  if (_playlist.sequence.isNotEmpty) {
    index = _getIndex(item);
  return index >= 0;

4. Create the Audio Service

After creating the audio handler, we can create the audio service and expose the methods to UI to call.

I will also use the GetX pattern for the example. So we can create a service that extends GetxService

class AudioPlayerService extends GetxService {

    // use the audio handler that we created
    late JustAudioPlayerHandler audioPlayerHandler;
    // define the MediaItem 
    late MediaItem _currentItem;
    // the current audio duration
    Duration _currentDuration =;    

initialize the audio handler in the init() event

void init() async {
    audioPlayerHandler = await AudioService.init(
      builder: () => JustAudioPlayerHandler(),
      config: const AudioServiceConfig(
        androidNotificationChannelId: 'com.audioplayer',  //set the app bundle id for android
        androidNotificationChannelName: 'Flutter Audio Player', //the name to show in the background player
        androidNotificationOngoing: true,

implement the methods we defined in the handler

Future<void> addQueueItem(MediaItem item) async {
  _currentItem = item;
  await audioPlayerHandler.addQueueItem(item);

Future<bool> hasMediaItem(MediaItem item) async {
  return await audioPlayerHandler.hasMediaItem(item);

Future<void> setPlaySpeed(double speed) async {
  await audioPlayerHandler.setPlaySpeed(speed);

void setMediaItem(MediaItem item) {

void setResumeMediaItem(MediaItem? item, Duration currentDuration) {
  // print('set resume duration:$currentDuration');
  if (item != null) {
    _currentItem = item;
  _currentDuration = currentDuration;

Future<void> removeAll() async {

Future<Duration?> getTotalDuration() async {
  return audioPlayerHandler.getTotalDuration();

Future<Duration?> play() =>
    audioPlayerHandler.resumeMediaItem(_currentItem, _currentDuration);

Future<void> pause() => audioPlayerHandler.pause();

Future<void> seek(Duration position) =>
    audioPlayerHandler.resumeMediaItem(_currentItem, position);

Future<void> stop() async {
  await audioPlayerHandler.stop();

Future<void> setVolume(double volume) async {
  await audioPlayerHandler.customAction('setVolume', {'value': volume});

The audio service will be simple, just call the methods from the handler.

5. Use it in the UI

Create a song model

For showing the song information on lock screen, we need the model below:

class SongItem {
    final int id;
    String name;
    String artist;
    String coverImg;
    String album;
    String audioFilePath;

    SongItem(,, this.artist, this.coverImg, this.album, this.audioFilePath);

and pass the model to the audio player service

Using the AudioPlayerService

We can easier to use the service via GetX, just put below in main.dart , and you can use the service anywhere


and we need to create a MediaItem from the song model

var mediaItem = MediaItem(
      id: songItem.audioFilePath,  //pass the audio file path to MediaItem's id
      album: songItem.album,
      artist: songItem.artist,
      artUri: Uri.file(songItem.coverImage),

check the song whether has been adding to the playlist, if not then do it otherwise don’t add the duplicate item

//check and don't add the duplicate item
if (await audioPlayerService.hasMediaItem(mediaItem) &&
    resumeDuration.inMilliseconds > 0) {

  audioPlayerService.setResumeMediaItem(mediaItem, resumeDuration);
  currentDuration.value = resumeDuration.inMilliseconds.toDouble();

} else {

listen to the duration for updating

AudioService.position.listen((Duration p) {
  currentDuration.value = p.inMilliseconds.toDouble();
  currentPosition.value =
      '{p.mmSSFormat} /{totalDuration.value.mmSSFormat}';
  currentDuration.value = p.inMilliseconds.toDouble();
  resumeDuration = p;
  // Update the progress bar values based on the current duration...

and create the base control methods for UI buttons

Future<void> play() async {
  audioPlayerService.setResumeMediaItem(null, resumeDuration);
  var totalDur = await;
  //get the total duration 
  if (totalDur != null) {
    totalDuration.value = totalDur;
  // handle other events...

Future<void> seek(Duration d) async {
  isPlaying.value = true;

Future<void> pause() async {
  isPlaying.value = false;
  await audioPlayerService.pause();

I just roughly explain how to use in the UI, there are still many things that need to be done for a complete UI logic, but these are not the main parts of this article 🙂

In the end, don’t forget setup the permissions of background audio service in Android and iOS

you can find the below link from audio_service settings:

Android  &  iOS

6. Conclusion

I just demoed how to play audio in the background with just_audio and audio_service, you also can create the audio handler with your favorite audio package (e.g assets_audio_player, audioplayers …). You also can make more controls in the transform event to make the lock screen look good. The customAction is the best way to handle your custom functions.

Ok, please let me know if you have other ideas?

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