I am trying to use React Native these days, it works fine in iOS simulator, but when I try to run the app in android emulator, I encountered some problems!
1.The Java SDK issue.
I have developed the android app with flutter before, so I also have installed the android SDK, and I suppose that will be smooth in RN right now, but when I execute below command to try to run the android:
react-native run-android
I got the error that missed the Java SDK, and I need to go to Java website for download it.
2.But after installed the Java SDK, I got another error.
It also need to set the [su_label type=”important”]JAVA_HOME[/su_label] and [su_label type=”important”]ANDROID_HOME[/su_label], I use MacOS, so that’s need to set in the [su_label type=”info”]~/.bash_profile[/su_label] file as below:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home) export ANDROID_HOME=/Volumes/SourceCodes/androidSDK/android-sdk-macosx
But the problem still not finish… 😨
3. When everything are ok, I still got below error

This error is very strange, I spend many of times for that, fortunately, I found the solution:
1)Create an [su_label type=”important”]assets[/su_label] folder in below
2)Execute below command
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
after that it will auto generate the [su_label type=”info”]index.android.bundle[/su_label] file in assets folder, and now execute below command for run the android
react-native run-android
The app can be run successfully😁